Andrew Murray
2 min readApr 15, 2024


Back several years ago, I read a lot of book on investing, personal development and general finances.

There’s so much information that it can be overwhelming.

So today, I want to share with you one of the key take-aways that everyone should start implementing.

1) Start saving now.

The best time to plant a tree was 10 years ago. The second best time is today.

There is no better time than to make a positive change today. Years will creep past, but your future is made up of the choices you take right now.

2) Make your savings automatic.

I read the book, Automatic Millionaire, and in truth, it was dry and had a lot of filler stories. But the main point I’ll summarize for you right here.

Make your savings automatic.

What does this mean? Schedule funds to be drawn from your account each month, or from your paycheck so you never see it.

But also, my favorite trick, which is Round-Ups.

Round Ups allow you to round up and save the difference. So if you buy a coffee for $4.25, you can round up and automatically save .75 cents by setting a round up to the next dollar.

This means that everytime you SPEND, you are SAVING also.

And that’s an easy and exciting concept.

In Canada, I use KOHO to round up on every purchase.

You also get $20 for creating your account! Wild!

Use this promo code to get the $20 bonus: X1DF37TM

In the United States, you can do the same thing with Acorns. I don’t use Acorns, because it is only for US customers. But it does the same thing.

The average Acorns customer invests $166 within 4 months just by rounding up spare change!

In Europe, where they tend to have less cashback options, I use Nexo.

Try it and let me know how it goes.

It might just change your life!

Let me know if you are currently using round ups — and what your thoughts are on round ups in the comments.




Andrew Murray

Digital Marketer. Entrepreneur. Investor. YouTuber. Homeschooler. Soccer Player. SAAS Geek. I run a podcast about soccer with my son. Made with ❤️ in 🇨🇦.